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The beauty
POSTED ON 4 Giu 2021 IN Portrait     TAGS: model, beauty, kingoftherings

The beauty

La bellezza salverà il mondo.
– Fëdor Dostoevskij

POSTED ON 4 Giu 2021 IN Portrait     TAGS: model, beauty, kingoftherings

Papillon /01

Into the green
POSTED ON 3 Giu 2021 IN Portrait     TAGS: model, beauty, kingoftherings

Into the green

Red surface
POSTED ON 3 Giu 2021 IN Portrait     TAGS: model, beauty, kingoftherings

Red surface /01

Red surface /02

Black thoughts
POSTED ON 2 Giu 2021 IN Portrait     TAGS: model, silver, beauty, 50ne

Black thoughts /03

Black thoughts /02Black thoughts /01

POSTED ON 11 Mag 2021 IN Portrait     TAGS: model, 50ne


La bellezza di un sorriso è mescolare in giuste proporzioni il finito e l’infinito
– Platone